Saturday 4 January 2014

Diet of Rice, Chicken and Apples with Joey Atlas Program

This diet recommended by Cellulite Removal Review is suitable for both men women.
Magical qualities
• 100 g raw rice - 349 kcal
• 100 g apples - 63 kcal
• 100g chicken - 110 kcal
• Predominant percentage of the energy of rice and apples are proteins and carbohydrates, and only 1% fat
Diet of rice, chicken and apples

Diet lasts nine days. Eat only rice, chicken and apples without consuming other products. The result - weight loss with no more than one pound per day and clear the body of toxins. You can eat a certain product as many times a day you feel hunger, in whatever amount you want without having to wait until the time comes for lunch or dinner. During the nine days you should not drink alcohol. Drinks-can consume only water, tea and coffee, without sugar and milk. It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Duration: 9 days
Efficiency: 7-9 k
Daily menu:
First, Second and Third day  eat only rice without other products
Fourth, fifth and sixth day
Eat only chicken - roasted or boiled, but must skinless
Seventh, eighth and ninth days
Eating only apples

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